phenom child

For all the motormouths who just need to spray.

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phenom child

Postby Guest » Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:27 am

It seems the youngsters have picked up the pace. Adam Ondra, still only 11, has broken another youngest "record". This time he's the youngest to have climbed 8c. The route is called Mascherina and can be found in the Grotta dell Aeronauta. To prove his point further, Adam also redpointed Zatopek, 8b+, a route that used to be graded 8c.

can you imagine having that ability at that age..?? even starting to climb at age 11 would've been nice :)

Postby The Teth » Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:43 pm

When I was 11 I was free soloing in rubber boots. Luckily I never pushed it beyond the 5.6 range or I likely would not be here now. I also did some impressive dynos over some 40 foot crevices on a fairly regular basis. At that age it just does not occur to you that you could die...well, not until you decide you probably can’t do the top-out and looking down to consider the down-climb you notice how pointy the rocks are at the bottom. That may have been the day I realized my mortality, and probably where my fear of heights started. It would have been cool to have a rope and harness back then!

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Postby The Mitt » Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:53 pm

Back where I come from going out with your "rubbers" on meant something totaly different.

The Mitt

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