Outdoor Pursuits - The DAL Rock Court - Land of Confusion

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Outdoor Pursuits - The DAL Rock Court - Land of Confusion

Postby Kelsey T » Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:18 am

Land of Confusion - Bouldering Blast-off
Friday, October 24th: 1:30pm - 6:30pm
Fee: $17 rock court members, $20 non-members
This weeks pursuit will have you following the ever-knowledgeable local guide extraordinaire Ben Smith through the labyrinthine ATV trails of the aspotogan peninsula. A maze of incredible erratics, the LOC is one of Halifax's most untouched treasure troves. We guarantee that for at least 50% of the trip you'll be either a) confused b) having the time of your life.
Bring your friends, family, pets and pals. If you know someone who might be interested, get them to pass along their e-mail.

You can register by calling 494-3372 and ask for Climb Outdoor Pursuits or feel free to e-mail rock@dal.ca with outdoor pursuits in the subject line. All are welcome!

Coming up:
Oct 31st - 1:30pm: A Trip to the Terrifying Traverses of Skull Rock
Nov 1st - Saturday Sesh to the World Famous Dover Island
Nov 7th - SeaSun Kayaking in the Bay of St. Margaret
- Register in advance to secure your spot! -
Kelsey T
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:05 am

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