couple new lines at G-Spot

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couple new lines at G-Spot

Postby JamieS » Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:19 am

Hey folks,

A couple of new lines at the G-Spot:

Whiskey and a Headlamp. 5.9. 30m. Climb the arret just right of Phat Tuesday, then up the dihedral, through the notch and up onto the slabs above to a rap anchor. It's a mixed line: small-medium geat, 7 bolts, and 2 rap rings. Don't rap this one on a 50m rope... or anything less than a full 60 - it's a bit of a rope stretcher on a 60. Jamie Simpson and Rich LaPaix, April 1 2011. If only that dihedral went on for a hundred feet!

Industrial Aid. A1. 12m. Climb the layback crack below the roof on Totally Industrial Sport. Climb (aid) the thin crack on the underside of the roof, and follow it to the top. Bring your teeny tiny cams. Someone should be able to free this. Jamie Simpson and Rich LaPaix, April 1 2011. I have no idea how to grade aid climbs - might be borderline A2. Thou shalt clip no bolts on this climb. :)

Cheers - Jamie
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Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:34 am

Re: couple new lines at G-Spot

Postby Matt Peck » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:05 pm

Got a nice little variation to Whiskey and a Headlamp that Dave and I were looking at when we first were scouting the route:

Hope Springs Eternal. 5.8 45m. M (11) FFA Matthew Peck 01/04/12
From the base of the craig follow WAAH to gain the ledge at the halfway mark. from there proceed upwards through the dihedral and over the bulge to the natural weakness trending left. Instead of following WAAH over the bulge, step high and left and follow the weakness to cracks, eventually finishing on Phat Tuesday. A more direct path will exit the slab via the vertical jamcrack above. This will make the route significantly harder.

Cheers, and thanks to Jamie for the bolts!
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Matt Peck
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Re: couple new lines at G-Spot

Postby JamieS » Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:04 pm

Cool Matt - good to hear! I look forward to trying it next time out there. And thanks to you for supplying me with the bolts! You'll have to try that new aid line sometime.
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Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:34 am

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