Thursday Climbing

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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Thursday Climbing

Postby pulldown » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:42 pm

I've got the day off on Thursday. Anyone want to go climbing? I'm up for Bouldering or routes.
If you don't know your way around i can give you a tour of almost any are here.
Can you tell i'm desperate to get out?

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Re: Thursday Climbing

Postby stoneseeker » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:05 am

I'll come film you climbing hard, and then make a movie for all to see.
It will be called: "Pulldown Productions, Pulling Down." -- 'a rare glimpse of the climber/daddy/farmer behind the films'

But seriously,
Since my finger is busticated, (I ruptured a tendon in Squamish) I'd be happy to go to Musquodobit with you where I have many a new line and some beautiful projects you should check out. (the ones I told you about before)

call me at home: 469 9521
~ Lukey
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