Chebucto Head closed...?

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Chebucto Head closed...?

Postby stoneseeker » Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:21 am

Hey guys,
I was at Chebucto Head yesterday early afternoon, and we were forced to park in the small dirt turnaround just outside of the new shiny gate where the old fence used to be, about a 5 minute walk from the lighthouse. This new fence said: " NO TRESPASSING" as well as a sign that warned of risk of electric shock due to radio towers??? We ignored the signs and went to climb as normal.

There was another fellow criminal walking the paths as we approached twin sisters who was doing some outdoor photography. WE stopped and asked him if he knew what was up with the new gate and the sign intended on keeping us out, and he said it was because the federal government found there to be hazardous substances (cobalt?) in the ground and area from the old batteries... something about a leak. I asked him how long till its open again, and he just laughed and said it was most likely a long time before it would be considered "safe for public".

Ok, so before everyone freaks out and writes our government angry hate mail, I actually haven't been able to find anything online about this situation yet, and my only source is a rogue old cynical photographer. But the sign is there, and it seems it is currently illegal to boulder in Chebucto Head by the looks of things. DOes anyone know about this? CNS?
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Re: Chebucto Head closed...?

Postby pulldown » Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:07 pm

I saw an article in the chronicle herald about a month ago. In it they said the gate was locked due to the contract running out with the gate keeper. It also said a new contract was being negotiated and that the gate would be open soon.

As for all the other stuff, signs etc. I would not worry about trespassing. There will likely be no one around to give out a ticket, fine or warning. The federal government can't afford to maintain lighthouses in the province so probably has no money for security.
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Re: Chebucto Head closed...?

Postby mick » Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:29 pm

The climbing at Chebucto Head is on Crown land in a public nature preserve and it takes more than two small signs to officially close that down. Continue to clean up after yourselves and pack out any trash you find and strive to leave no trace. The party line from CNS is stay away from the lighthouse, don't block the gate, and don't eat any batteries you find laying around. As with all climbing areas in Nova Scotia, climb at your own risk.

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Re: Chebucto Head closed...?

Postby dfog » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:14 am

Here's the situation (from a Duncans Cove resident):
Yes, DFO ended the agreement for daily opening and closing of the gate at the beginning of February. DFO says it is not part of their mandate to provide public access to their properties. The reason the gate was installed in the first place was an attempt to reduce vandalism at the lighthouse and the other navigational aids on the site. The Chebucto Head Lighthouse Society was negotiating to have the contract renewed, but DFO would require them to carry liability insurance, something the small Society is not in a financial position to do - and doesn't feel they should be responsible for. The Society's only purpose is to lobby for continued public access to the site (in their position, it has always been a public destination for the ocean view, one of the only public access points in HRM where you could drive to the view, and used by many people who are elderly or have limited mobility), and it will continue to lobby for public access. But now, with the heritage lighthouse protection act, and DFO wanting to get rid of it's responsibility with lighthouses, the situation will probably stay as it is for a while ..... the surrounding crown land is a provincially designated Nature Reserve, and it's hoped Chebucto Head could become part of that, but that still wouldn't necessarily mean the gate would be opened....

I say the more people who complain to the government about the closure the better (I don't think they realize how many people go there!) The no trespassing signs/warnings are probably posted to protect the government from any legal liability for injury or damage at the site, & I would say refers specifically to their installation in & around the fenced off area. There used to be a mercury contamination issue around the lightkeeper's house, but ironically, that was cleaned up when the building burned down in 2005. I say go by the CNS party line re. continued use .......

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Re: Chebucto Head closed...?

Postby stoneseeker » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:51 pm

thanks guys.

Good to know. So much pointless red tape and "potential liabilities" are frustrating.
At least now we don't run the chance of accidentally getting locked in after hours during an evening session.

...and I'll try not to eat any more old batteries I find.
~ Lukey
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