New Route - Utopia

Home of Welsford's Cochrane Lane Cliffs.

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New Route - Utopia

Postby sloaner » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:06 pm

Located on the right side of Sunnyvale wall.

You're Breaking Up 5.10b 18m/S(7)/R
FA: E. Sloan, E. Matchett September 2016
Start 3m right of 'Worst Case Ontario' on a hard to read blocky face. Make it to the top of the face and continue past a reachy move to gain a massive and potentially fragile telephone. Head slightly left on good holds to the anchor.

Crunchy Toes 5.8 15m/S(5)/R
FA: E. Matchett, E. Sloan September 2016
Located directly right of ‘You’re Breaking Up’. Starting on the obvious ledge work your way up the blocky face clipping three bolts and then trend left to a lightning bolt feature. Trend right after the feature on good jugs to the anchor.
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