High-res shots of CL?

Home of Welsford's Cochrane Lane Cliffs.

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High-res shots of CL?

Postby sam » Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:14 am

Hey folks,

I'm wondering if anybody has any high-resolution pictures of the CL cliffs they'd like to share. I'd like them for a project I'm working on. I'm not looking any specifics in terms of whats in the pictures - it can be anything from shots of the cliffs from far away, to shots of you and/or your friends climbing at a specific part of the cliff... doesn't really matter, just need pictures.

In particular I'm looking for sizes upwards of 1000x500+.


PS: Haven't had time to change anything on CEC in terms of design, especially since starting my new job... I'll try and find time in the near future to add our logo at the top and get this sucker looking half decent :P
Great climbing links:
http://www.reddit.com/r/climbing/ - http://www.reddit.com/r/climbingvids/ - http://www.reddit.com/r/climbingporn/ (that last one isn't what you think it is)
If I'm posting here, I'm probably at work.
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